April 19, 2007

002: John Best - Hating Autism

Today we welcome John Best from Hating Autism. John is a dedicated campaigner to the cure, or eradication of autism in our society. Through his blog, he is spreading the word about autism and how it can be avoided for us and our children.

Mercury is a very harmful substance that shouldn't really be in our bodies, but John has discovered a disturbing fact that many of us simply don't know, or choose to ignore. This has led to the creation of his blog Hating Autism. His son has been touched by autism, making his campaign to wipe out this man-made disease even stronger.

BV: John, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me about your mission to wipe out autism. Through your blog you are letting many people know of the horrors of autism and how this can be avoided. I don't know much about autism and I'm sure some of my readers will be the same; can you tell us a little about how autism affects the body and the brain of a human being?

Mercury kills brain cells. More importantly, it prevents methylation, which means the body cannot convert B-12 into methyl B-12. Without methyl B-12 it is impossible for anyone to pay attention to anything. That is what autism is, an inability to pay attention. It's important to remove the mercury while the child is young and still producing new brain cells. Autism can be avoided by avoiding vaccines that still contain thimerosal like the flu shot.

BV: You claim that Mercury use in vaccines is a major cause for autism. Can you tell us how you came to this conclusion and what research you did to find out about this?

Thomas Verstraeten, a CDC employee, reached this conclusion in 1999. It was confirmed by Mark Geier in 2003. Subsequently, Richard Deth of Northeastern University wrote a report describing how mercury prevented methylation.

Mercury was first used in vaccines in 1931 and the first cases of autism were found in 1943 in children who were under 12 years of age. Some claim that autism has always been here and is genetic. However, the fact that there are no autistics older than 76 confirms that something happened to cause this nightmarish condition. What we've learned in the last few years confirms that it was mercury from thimerosal.

BV: You write extensively on your blog about the medical profession and drug companies and what they are doing by covering up their incompetence or non-caring attitudes about the use of mercury in vaccines, which you believe is the main cause of autism. If you had an opportunity to address skeptical medical practitioners with the chance that they may come around to your way of thinking, what would you say to them?

They don't need any convincing. Doctors already know the truth. They will never admit it because it would disgrace their profession. Drug companies will never admit it because they would lose everything they have in lawsuits. That's why they bribe politicians to make laws that protect them from lawsuits.

BV: You get a lot of flak on your site about your opinions and subject matter; I can tell you are incredibly passionate about this subject. If you were speaking at a conference for parents with kids who have autism, what would your speech be about?

Autism is curable.

BV: Can you tell us a little bit about other ways you are trying to get the word out about this subject other than your blog, and if people wish to contribute, what can they do?

Send money to Generation Rescue or the National Autism Association.

BV: I'm sure after reading this interview there’ll be many parents that will now be thinking about their children and the possibility that they may be afflicted with autism. What signs should people be looking out for in their kids and what can they do if they see signs of autism in their children?

Autistic children could never be missed. Parents will know. Asperger's is more difficult to diagnose but I don't care about that so I won't get into it.

Are there any websites or blogs you would like to tell people about if they are interested in finding out more about autism?

The Yahoo group Autism-Mercury can teach you how to cure autism. http://www.generationrescue.org/ can tell you anything you'd want to know about the causes and cures for autism.

BV: John, it's been a pleasure interviewing you - I wish you all the best for the future.

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Anonymous said...

How can you fabricate the pure vileness of John Bests blog? John Best does NOT care about the welfare of those who are affected by autism. He is a self-rightous megalomaniac.

JohnBest does NOT give the advice, care and support that newbies to autism need. No. He fuels them with anger, he tell the autistics that they are poisoned and sick and unable to choose their own fate whilt telling the non-autistics that autistics are murderers, maniacs, vegetables, retards, useless, a waste of breath, a nightmare and so on.

He doesn't even know how to control his own child. he has left that poor kid screaming, crying and biting himself for periods as long as two hours.

He stoops down to childish profanities, spreads lies abou other communities and is prejudiced against so many other minority groups.

He is NOT a sensible man nor should he be trusted to rule America (as he has previously bragged about being the president).

he does NOT believe in choice. he believes in fascism. He believes in a mandatory cure, as in NOT PROVIDING A CHOICE.

He is just a redneck loser who at least needs to spend more time with his son.

John Best said...

I just want to point out that I have not been the President.
I think it's good that they have computers in the asylums so people like this commentor have a voice. I hope he or she regains their mental health.
John Best

Anonymous said...

This post is a complete lie. Autism was NOT born in 1931. Autism was named by Eugene Bleuler in 1912, and it was previously known as youth dementia in 1893. Kanner's work in 1943 was merely a fresh translation of something that already existed, and corrected some aspects of Bleuler's work.

Further, ethyl mercury is safe. Methyl mercury is the dangerous variety. Even then, thiomersal contains only 1.25 micrograms of mercury. There's more mercury in fish than that! Loads more!

To put this person and his blog on a pedastal is to promote hate and bigotry against Autistic Spectrum Disorders. This resident of New Hampshire needs to be pulled into line before he completes the wrecking of his son's chances to have a decent life. It may already be too late due to his neglect.

This man is not a hero. He is a villain who relies on shock and abuse to get attention and is unable to back up his views. Comments he does not like on his blog are modded out, and he is keen to make decent people look bad to assist his cause.

Anonymous said...

Did you write this whole post John?? God you need therapy.....