April 26, 2007

004: Steph from Much Ado About Sumthin!

Today we welcome Steph from Much Ado About Sumthin. This is a girl that will tell you what she thinks and isn't worried about what people think of her. A self-confessed attention-seeking famewhore, her blog is a diatribe of her colourful and entertaining life at home and work.
She swears, she farts and she falls down a lot. To her mother’s dismay, a lady she is not. This genuinely funny and honest girl talks about her life with brashness and sincerity that instantly warms readers to her vocal gymnastics about love, life, sex and fun.

BV: Steph, welcome to BloggerView and thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions. I've really been looking forward to this interview as you seem tobe the type of girl that says what she thinks. I suppose one could say you're not backwards about coming forwards; where do you think this character trait came from?

I've always been outspoken and I've always had lots to say. Whether anyone listened to me or not never concerned me, I think I just like the sound of my own voice, and now with the blog, I like the fact that my ramblings reach so many people.

Famewhore! Yes I am. My parents both encouraged me to stand up and speak up for myself. The best thing they ever did for me was to LISTEN to me, and encourage me to have an opinion on everything, regardless if I knew what I was talking about or not.

Haha! I also have to credit my older brother who taunted me mercilessly when I was a kid. I had to be loud to be heard above him, and I often got him in trouble because I could talk my way out of almost any situation, and talk him INTO it. The gift of the gab – I never shut up.

BV: It seems like every other day life throws something at you that is just dying to be put in your blog. From bogan weddings to bin juice, home-made porn and the ongoing battle with the PA from hell, Moronica; do you think these things happen to you for a reason?

That's the thing. I don't think extraordinary things happen to me. These things happen to everybody; they just don't write about it or see the humour in it to even want to write about it. I see things through bloggy eyes. Every situation I find myself in, I assess for blog fodder. Quite sad really, but it's something that's just happened to me since my blog addiction. I wear blog-coloured glasses! I do have a few weird and wonderful things happen to me, but I go looking for that. Like the bus story. I saw an opportunity to annoy some people who liked to sit in the same seats every day, and it just escalated from there.

The bin juice thing… if I hadn't gone to that meeting and deliberately voted against popular consensus, none of that crap that followed would have happened. The bogan wedding… well I just KNEW that would be funny. I was looking for the humour/bizarre in it. I'm also very klutzy, I DO fall down and do stupid/thoughtless things every day. Luckily I love to laugh at myself and I don't mind if others do too.I also have insane friends and a slightly wacky family, so there is always SOMETHING going on. I believe there is a story in every situation. It's just the way you look at it, and put your own interpretations on it. Tilt it to see the funny.

BV: If your blog was a night out on the town, what would happen? How manypeople would there be? Would there be booze, drugs and a blow-up kangaroo?

There would be crap-loads of people! We'd start at the local RSL to get pissed on cheap drinks and laugh at the bogans, then we'd move on to the latest/hottest club so we could be refused entry and yell at some bouncers, then we'd probably find some tiny pub and totally over-run the place. The night wouldn't be complete without sleeping it off in the local police cells, and then staggering into McDonalds for a hangover cure wondering where our underwear went and how we got lipstick on our ankles. Blow up kangaroo is optional. I'd prefer a donkey.

BV: It seems you have quite the following and community buzzing around your comments box. What's the thing you love most about the people who comment on your blog?

They are the funniest bunch of fuckers on the net. I read my comments and laugh till I cry most days. They're amazing and it still freaks me out that people actually read me and then bother to leave a comment at all, let alone a well-considered, often thoughtful, and mostly hilarious reply. Someone recently referred to my comments box as like the office water-cooler, and it's so true. Sometimes the commenters have little discussions amongst themselves and I love that. I have a cool bunch of 'regulars' that I know would help me hide a body if I asked them to. I've met some amazingly talented, kind and crazy people on my blog, and that alone has made writing my dribble worth it. They've become as much a part of my blog as I am.

BV: You talk a lot about your friends on your blog. In fact you have been, as youput it, "in the shit" for using your friends as blog fodder. If you didn't have your friends to blog about, what would you write?

I really don't use my friends as blog fodder all that much. I'd probably keep writing about tripping over and debauched behaviour I guess. They're all pretty cool about it though. At first they were like, 'What's a blog?" and then seeing themselves mentioned once or twice – especially Kylie who is a bigger famewhore than I – they loved it. Often we'll be having a chat and they'll actually suggest things to write about. They'll say, "Remember that time when... you should blog about that". One or two have had an issue with stuff I've written in the past, but mostly they're OK about it.

BV: No doubt you’ve had some pretty funny stories to tell as a direct result of your blog. It would be great if you could share one of these with us.

The funniest would have to be the guy at the airport who recognised me just from the things I was saying! I did blog about it and he emailed me after I mentioned it on my blog. He's a blogger too, and seeing a loud-mouthed, blonde chick getting harassed by security… I guess it wasn't too hard to figure out.

The other funny thing that took me by surprise was all the weird emails I get. Especially from foot fetish guys. I used to have pics of my shoes as my profile pic and I'd get so many horny feet fetish freaks asking me about my shoes and even wanting to buy them, or do untold things to my sweaty toes. The fact that my mother occasionally reads me is funny too. She picks out all the spelling and grammatical errors and asks me to cut down on the swearing and calling my readers "mofo's" and "bitches". Bahahahaha!

She knows more about me than any mother should know about their daughter! She stopped reading for a while because she was getting all upset about some negative attention I was getting, and then all my bodily functions and vibrator posts put her off, but I see her lurking sometimes and I'd love her to do a post or two for me. THAT would be funny.

BV: Me thinks you might insult, annoy or disgust some people with your writing style. If you were locked in a cage for a fight to the death with these people, would you choose the chainsaw, the mace or your bare hands to destroy them?

Funny you should ask that. I was just in my very first catfight (since high school anyway) last night and I'd have to say nothing beats bare hands! There are definitely some people in the blogosphere that could use a bitch slappin', and I'd love to be the one to give it.

BV: And I’d love to see that! Steph, thanks for joining us today – it’s been a fantastic interview.


Peter said...

Ha! I'd love to read a MamaSteph post.

Kav said...

Splendid interview steph. I have to say though, maintaining hundreds of online identities to make you appear popular is getting exhausting. I'm going to have to chuck it in. Cheers,

Cousin Chuck.

Memphis said...

Steph is the Queen of Australia. She should be on their money.

poody said...

I never miss a Steph episode I am addicted!

IFLYG said...

Thanks for the great interview, Pete. Steph is a national treasure.

If you can read between the lines, amongst all the tales of drunken debauchery, masterbation, cat-fights, and falling down - you'll see that Steph is a very kind, down-to-earth, warm & caring sort of chick. Fact.

Steph said...

Bollocks, She's a gutter tramp of mammoth proportions ;)

mist1 said...

I adore Steph. We should be neighbors. First, we should make sure that our life insurance policies are current.

Cazzie!!! said...

SCORE STEPH..hahahaha, well done chickie :)

mooiness said...

Great interview Pete - you chose the right questions to bring out her personality. :)

Anonymous said...

I've managed to convince other Americans that "Steph" is Aussie slang for "scabby vagina."

Love you, Stephie McNoKnickers!

Anonymous said...

Kav...I know - the identity thing!! Does she kick you as well when you don't comment enough ;-)

Mooiness...I don't think Steph needs too much help to let her personality come out!

And Coyote Mike...Miss McNoKnickers....Mate I'm going to have to steal that one...that's a fucking cracker!

Steph said...

The Google ads are disturbing me. So far it's all been about Autism and the last one had the heading- "The saddest thing on the internet".

LOL! How apt!

The Candid Bandit said...

Awww bless.

You know when you watch a tv show and there is one haracter on it that you love to watch. You know you'd have a bloody ball if you ever met (even though they arent real and are on TV - shut up!)

Steph is one of them.

Yes, ok. I have a small girl crush on her.